Senin, 03 Februari 2014

Fabulous February

After long journey to take the glory of college student (holiday), there are a final test of third semester. It is not like test that need paper, pen and answer, but my test like art practices, drawing, coloring, printing, etc. Its hard if i am not enjoy it, because i am always try to happy and ganbatte power so i can doing it right, and voila! i got cumlaude score! This is my first score that so great, therefore i must not over happy, because its only academic score not life score. I think it is only fortunate situation after my hard situate.
And, the very important thing is, today is holiday! a full month February there are free day! So i can back in may hometown, Magelang and go anywhere fun to get refreshed. Firstly, take a rest! Second, Going fun place. Third, Do the project!
Because i am on fortunate situate so i have to 'harvest' my money to buy secondhanded macbook. Yes, macbook pro 5.5, and now i used it, so happy! The important thing for all is the money is my own money that i got from contest winner and commission from photograph projects. This thing is my dream things that i want for a long time. It is like dreams comes true!
Now, i can doing all that i cant do in boarding house, i will enjoy my free february, this is the last free holiday before i am turn 20th, and left my teenage. I can call it important time.

Haha, itu adalah uraian ku dalam berbahasa inggris yang masih berkecukupan, mengingat bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa internasional yang wajib dikuasai, melihat pula globalisasi yang semakin berkembang, siapa tau nanti bisa pergi ke luar negeri, hehe
Saat ini aku sangat bersyukur telah mendapatkan apa-apa yang aku inginkan. Tentunya dengan harapan kedepan menjadi lebih baik lagi. Aku sudah membuktikan semboyan berakit-rakit ke hulu berenang-renang ke tepian, dan hal itu terasa indah.

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